Domodedovo was actually under re-construction at the time I passed through in 2003.
Stayed at Hotel Rossiya (now gone - apparently demolition started in 2006).,_Moscow
Here is a view out the window of my room looking northwards.

Saw many interesting areas, like the Arbat
and Kremlin.
Here I am inside the Kremlin near one of the churches.

Was very pleased to take an overnight train to Kazan. It was sort of an "Orient Express" on the economy-plan so far as I was concerned, though my gracious Russian hosts thought it rather expensive and inconvenient I think.
Here I am in the carriage at Kazansky vokzal, just a few minutes before departure
Kazansky station had one of the biggest platforms I have ever seen (bigger than in London and Japan - and that says something) and the train had more carriages than any I had ever seen.
One of my most vivid memories of that trip is that the train ran late and we sat on a siding just before the bridge into Kazan in the early morning waiting for passing traffic. It was snowing and we were near a small village. It was peaceful, and intriguing to watch the villagers go about their early morning business. There were a few cars and trucks, mostly people were our for a walk. Given no automobiles, it could have been the turn of the century.
In Kazan my hosts showed me great hospitality. Stayed at a very nice spa near the Volga. We had some great meals in restaurants and in my hosts's homes. Saw many interesting and historic sites in Kazan. I especially remember the building with spires of many religions.

And my hosts took me out to a Russian (in name/type, place and ownership *smile*) 2-10-0 locomotive.

Also passed a display of the Buran (or variant) at one of the institutes
but it might have been a BOR-4 or other relative.
Took the train back to Moscow, and the plane out from Domodedovo, and then back to London for a few days with my wife (business and sightseeing).