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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Read Gas Meter with Google Goggles

Have been playing with Google Goggles.
Vasiliy Khmelenko actually showed me this.

Reading a product barcode is interesting, but being able to read MAC addresss barcodes would be useful.

Sudoku is cute, but really would like to take a picture of a dial meter or digit meter (water, gas, electric, steam, BTU) and have the reading come up. Would be a nice cross over with Google Power Meter.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Have been away a really long time

March, April and May were busy as expected. June is not shaping up much better.

To get a little content in.... Have been to a number of network IT conferences and events lately. There seems to be a common theme of intelligent network monitoring, given that central managament of end points is to be a thing of the past (think mobile and embedded devices). Will be interesting to see how that plays out.

"Private Cloud" = virtual machines with management.

Cimetrics does longterm monitoring/commissioning from the "cloud"... would that then be "Cloud Based Comissioning"? "CBC"? The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has acronym "CBC" already alas.

Enterprise IT theme seems to be the rise and continuance of social networking, and unlocking the knowledge that many to many communication can uncover.