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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Way Out of EPR: Deterministic Approach to QM.

The basic problem is the base assumption in EPR/Bell formulation, not the results.

Bell’s work regarding EPR (above article and…).

A single fixed experiment is setup along a single dimension, with detectors oriented in a certain direction – pre-supposing quite innocently the equivalence of any directions in space. While the dimensions of space, XYZ, are equivalent by all measures, they are distinct.

Prepare three Bell experiments – all with the same prepared but random (unmeasured) state source. But each lined up along different XYZ directions. The detectors will use circular polarization (chirality) detection instead of orthogonal axis detection to keep things simple.

Run trials and let the detectors pickup trials. We can go so far as to say the detectors fill up a “hexrant” (pyramid) of space and capture all trials going in that direction (though this grows more impossible as spatial extent of the apparatus is increased). Some previous real-world experiments have rotated a detector pair apparatus in time… that is not germane to this argument.

We can agree that any of the trials go into their respective hexrant pairs in opposite directions. They go into one of the three detector pairs. The others go to other detectors pairs. The only way to get more than a one third yield of trials to any given detector pair is to interfere in the preparation of the states.

Bell’s work and a deterministic hidden variable theory of quantum states can be rationalized if two thirds of the prepared states are lost. They are “lost” into the other hexrant pairs of space. The quantum statistics (where two thirds of trials are lost) can be made to match a hidden variable theory where each test pair member caries with it the information about its state.

The flaw of previous approaches to resolving the EPR paradox were to assume that all directions were equally represented by an experiment in one fixed axis (or even rotating in time but still paired along one axis) . The other directions cannot be ignored.

Many experiments have tried to cover the loss argument by capturing all created states – within the scope of the given axes (at a given time) they are setup against. That is insufficient.

Concrete theories of hidden variables can be developed to explain this apparatus which will completely agree with QM predictions. That is better left to another longer discourse. Here is a simple model for the specific Bell experiments described though…

Assign each trial to each hexrant pair based on its QM compatibility with that axial direction. The “preparedness” of the trials hidden variables will be a mirror, inverse, or reflection of the quantum mechanical result matrix (rotated appropriately in 3D).

Stepping back from the experiment above, one can also view the result as being that quantum mechanics is not “allowing” non-QM results to propagate along any selected axis. The results which do not agree must necessarily be redistributed/rotated to the other axes, to give results according to QM along each and every axes viewed individually (and at any point in time). Directional symmetry and invariance are preserved. 

One can invert this reasoning and say that each prepared trial state outcome is correlated with a given direction within the framework of QM states. Each pair of photons simply has no choice but to go off as QM would send it, and it must go off along an axis compatible with QM. (albeit uniformly in space/time in any statistical group/set).  Again directional symmetry and invariance are preserved. 

Another way of looking at this is to agree that Bell’s theorem is completely correct. The assumptions were correct about the x,y and z being completely commutable in the equations, the trick is in seeing that they are really continuously/actually being commuted trial by trial. That result is the essence of quantum mechanics.

Other variants of the Bell/EPR experiments can be addressed in similar ways in 3D space. (Bohm and Hardy).

The main point of the argument herein is that all states (even/especially ones on orthogonal paths) must be tested for the experiment to be valid against QM assumptions.

The good news is that this twist makes no difference to quantum statistics whatsoever. The unconstrained nature and free propagation of the prepared states was a given, the results are the same as predicted by QM, and what we have stated in no way conflicts with the quantum mechanical interpretation (Copenhagen, Born, etc.). The results do not even conflict with the reasoning of Bell and others. We have not rejected locality nor definiteness. What was missing is the three dimensional nature of space, and that a trial cannot be in three places at once.

Survey article in Scientific American gelled resolve to try to get out this idea.

von Baeyer, Hans Christian (2013). "Can Quantum Bayesianism Fix the Paradoxes of Quantum Mechanics?". Scientific American 2013 (June). page 46

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Letter Writing

In the world of email and the Internet, and of new social media, the power of an instagram, or a tweet, or a text, or even email is slowly diluted. We are awash in a sea of email and electronic messaging. Telegrams are from another age and FAXes never had much power even at their outset.

Some suggest picking up the phone. That was always bad for the shy, but operated well enough for the past century. Face to face is always good, though sometimes terrible for the shy, but it limits those you can interact with.

There is another way that has been largely forgotten… the written word on paper. Let us not go so far as long hand, though there is an art to a handwritten letter that can touch one deeply. Let us accept printers and word processors.

A mailed letter has an immediate impact which has in fact grown in a world of communicated bits. A letter starts with the scuff marks on the envelope, giving a real sense of travel. One interacts with the envelope in a tactile way, taking possession of the message by opening and unfolding the missive. There can be smells and sensations associated with the paper. There can be joy at the letterhead and the signature, and at PS notes at the bottom.

Enough. It is the same argument people make over books versus ebooks, and about theatre, and screened movies (and even DVDs) over digitally delivered content.

Note to self:  Write some letters.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Passport Canada, ROCA

Many thanks to Passport Canada, and to other officials, for helping me to get my passport. The new quick application is very smooth.

Words of warning:
Do not write anywhere in your passport (not pencil, not ink, not crayon). Do not staple, fold, spindle or otherwise mutilate your passport. Take these as the first rules and all other rules as subordinate...
You are asked to sign your passport in ink – in the indicated position only. You are asked to fill in a contact address – in the indicated position only. I made the mistake of continuing my contact information onto Page 5. DO NOT DO THIS. Do not erase the contact address to fill in a new one.

Passport Canada imprinted observations are allowed. Border control and immigration/visa agencies of sovereign nations imprints are allowed. [Note these imprints and attachments are not scribbles in the 21st century. There are international stamp, note and visa formats – Who knew?]

It has been suggested that one should only sign the passport, and leave off any and all other writing/markings/imprints/attachments. Put your contact information on a slip of paper and affix it with a paperclip (or sticky note) over Page 4. There you can include multiple contacts, at home and abroad. You can also place important numbers like consulate and travel related contacts telephones/websites.

Update, augment and replace the contacts slip as needed. When you renew your passport, simply remove the contacts slip and place it in your new passport when you receive it.

For keeping someone abreast of your travel in case of travel emergency (earthquakes, epidemics, military actions, tsunamis, avalanches, reactor fallout…), consider registering with ROCA (Registry of Canadians Abroad).

Friday, July 12, 2013

Grub Hoe Trenching

Needed to dig around a post to get it out of our garden. The post was embedded deep in a poured concrete mounting. Had to dig down at least three feet to get to bottom of post (under the concrete mounting). Pulled the post out of the diggings using a cable attached to our Toyota Highlander. [Always use an anti-whipping blanket during such pulls in case of cable failure, even when using a high strength cable, like the 3000lb ¼” I was using.]

Would have thought a nine inch shovel/spade was a good idea for such diggings, but though it was a great starter for cutting the surface sod (and some roots), it was a poor way to dig deeper. Post hole digger was not quite right to do the job (heavy and limited breadth). The hole was more of a circular trench, so looked at trenching options. Most say to get a machine to dig all but the shallowest and shortest trenches.

Came across an article about grub hoes.
Has description of grub hoe and some nice instructions about how to dig a trench. The grub hoe seemed a bit rare and dear, and somewhat heavy for a short bit of work.

Had a standard six inch hoe in my tool shed. Standard hoe looks like the grub hoe, but is of the typical light weight construction. Turns out light is good. Our soil below the sod is somewhat sandy (clay might warrant a true grub hoe), and the standard hoe (used according to the grub hoe trenching instructions) worked like a charm.