Noticed the logo on the Target in Everett MA many years ago. Can almost see it from the MBTA Orange Line, and can certainly see it on Google Maps. Found it as a part of an overall interest in the Mystic and Malden River areas (parks, trails and eco-development).
Others have noticed too.
Fits in with recent interest in renewables and energy savings. The white on the roof is actually a good energy saving strategy for abating heating. But was left wondering if Target could do even better with tinted/highlighted solar panels? There could be all – logo, heat abatement, renewable energy. Might even extend the programme to canopy solar in the parking lot with the Target logo formed from strategic omission of the solar panels, and open “asphalt” being red-tinted recycled rubber composite (like in playgrounds – where it is usually blue or green rubber stuff)/ That would be striking from the air, at a distance, and in the parking lot itself.
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