When looking for something entertaining for the small ones…
Given northern Boston suburbs as a base…
Farms and orchards with fruit stand/picking and animals.
Russell Orchards, Ipswich, MA - long trip, but great store and animals. http://russellorchards.com/
Parlee Farms, Tyngsboro, MA – long trip, but great fruits and animals. http://parleefarms.com/
Brooksby Farm, Peabody, MA – close, smaller but good store and animals. http://www.brooksbyfarm.org/
Connors Farm, Danvers, MA – close, great fruits and store. http://www.connorsfarm.com/
Wilson Farm, Lexington, MA – medium trip, but hard to park – though great store. http://www.wilsonfarm.com/
Writing an OLED Display Driver in MicroZig
2 hours ago