Blogged before about how to make a Modbus device be BACnet. Question came regarding B6131 embedded Modbus to BACnet gateway module in a way only thought about for Analytika legacy metering projects: The B6131 (and its developer kit B6130 boxed version) have a Modbus RTU to Modbus TCP MBAP router embedded inside. One simply has to turn on Modbus TCP in the web GUI. So...
Use the B613x as only a Modbus TCP router? At least as a starting position? That is to say: Use the B613x exactly like any Modbus TCP routers on the market. Notably exactly like Modbus TCP routers from Lantronix and Gridconnect on their XPorts and xPicos (DSTini platform).
Except the B613x has the option to later install BACnet templates under the existing BACnet device, and use the web for data access. The B613x unit comes with excellent defaults preset and is re-configurable via the HTTP web GUI. Further there are OEM optional "add-ins" for REST webservices, advanced auto-setup and discovery, buffered data, and so on. Where the OEM or end-user has already designed in an XPort/XPico this is exceptionally straightforward.
Writing an OLED Display Driver in MicroZig
2 hours ago