Never made a study of it, but have various threads for Putnam family tree. The Putnam Family Wikipedia article is a good start. The links at the bottom of the Wikipedia article are helpful.
There are fancier versions of the Putnam crest, but this above seems to capture the original flavour. And following back from John of Salem one gets to Puttenham.
My Nova Scotia clan goes down through Nathaniel->Benjamin or Thomas->Joseph (Just above Isreal)... Never really sure because at least a couple of the female forbearers were married to Putnams twice (after one died) and seems the Timothy Putnam who came to Nova Scotia in his teens in 1750s - came with his mother (Elizabeth) who had remarried a Hutchinson (?).
Lines from Timothy can be found in Canadian Census data. My grandparents had a copy of the Fulton Family of Atlantic Canada, which had connected lines with the Putnams.
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