Thoroughly enjoyed AWE 2016 in Santa Clara.
Presence from was one main thrust. presented use cases for AR in utilities and manufacturing, with emphasis on asset augmentation. Another main topic was introduction of latest AR/VR gear: notably Epson Moverio BT-300 - high resolution - but taking a different path from sensors on Hololens. Would be remiss without mentioning Vuforia from PTC. Found out about AWE from Vuforia media campaign. Learned more about AWE on website and from pervious show videos. Got my AWE pass via Twitter.
Best AWE giveaways: Reality tops. VR cardboard headsets.
Best AWE takeway: AR for use in asset augmentation... reporting location, status and what needs to be done to foward the business applications.
As personal project: Always strive to "do whole trip without automobile". It went thus.
MBTA to work and then MBTA Blue Line in afternoon to BOS.
Jet Blue BOS to SJC.
VTA#10 Airport Flyer.
Metro Airport on Green VTA - Mountain View (actually took Blue - Alum Rock and changed at Tasman) to Great America (in front of San Jose convention center where AWE was being held). Then walked about a mile south past Great Anerica to Hotel Avatar.
Was very pleasant weather the whole time in San Jose. Walked out and back each day to convention center. Hardest part was that all food options closed at evening arrival at Avatar. Got a burger at nearby In and Out Burger. Got groceries at Walmart for the balance of days. AWE had no luggage holding area, so had to go back to the Avatar afternoon of departure to pickup bags.
Walked to Green VTA - Winchester - to Metro Airport.
VTA#10 Airport Flyer.
Jet Blue SJC to BOS redeye. Packed flight. But able to sleep.
MBTA home, Blue and Orange Line, for a nap, referesh and then headed to meeting downtown with International visitors to Cimetrics.
Writing an OLED Display Driver in MicroZig
2 hours ago