When I visited London in 2008, I had it my mind to visit the Bassett Lowke shop on High Holborn. http://www.bassettlowke.co.uk/ But it is long since gone.
I like hobby shops just fine, but I always envision visiting a model gallery... like Lannan Ship Model Gallery on High Street in Boston. http://www.lannangallery.com/lannan_gallery/Index.html
Admittedly Lannan is rather high end. And many shops have interesting and impressive displays. Charles Ro in Malden MA always seems to have a nice selection of large scale models (which are great in displays) in its showroom. http://www.charlesro.com/store_tour.htm
And I was lucky enough to visit Aster in Japan in Spring 2009 http://www.asterhobby.com/.
Much like the visit by Jason Musheno and Joel Taylor. http://www.southernsteamtrains.com/misc/aster-japan-visit.htm
See this page too for the Aster gallery...
http://www.southernsteamtrains.com/misc/aster-japan-visit-02.htm .
Aster was just re-running a C11 lot. The C56 and C11 are my favorite Japanese prototypes. Many thanks to Fujii-san and Yamato-san for their kind hospitality.
My main like is steam locomotives. And what sort of things would be in the gallery apart from finest steam examples from Aster? -
USA Trains http://www.usatrains.com/,
LGB http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGB_(Lehmann_Gross_Bahn),
Bachmann http://www.bachmanntrains.com/home-usa/index.php,
Accucraft http://www.accucraft.com/,
Osaka http://www.oslivesteam.com/english/corporate/index.html
and other art pieces.
Would that there were more of such. It is a toss up between fine master works of true mechanical function from Aster and the great details from those like USA Trains.
There is simple fine art like those made by Wilbur Frey http://www.walkertrans.org/WilburFrey.htm
and working fine art like that from Kozo Hiraoka
And an assortment from others like Heinz Holtz http://www.steam-model.ch/
And on a smaller scale... Chris Schmuck (simply amazing - the details make it look like Chris is working two scales larger) http://hon30tinker.blogspot.com/
Writing an OLED Display Driver in MicroZig
2 hours ago
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