It is July 2010 and a great time to see Saturn, Mars and Venus. They are in the constellation Gemini near Pollux and Castor, and Regulus in Leo - if that means much to you.
Just after sunset (the sun sets in the West by the way) look directly West and there should be bright stars that are "not quite right". Mars and Venus are both reddish and disks (not a point source of light like a star) and will not really twinkle (at least will twinkle less than a star). Saturn is a little harder to find, but with binoculars it should look like an enlongated disk. As the evening progresses these will all set following the sun.
It is difficult to find the moons of Saturn, but one can look for maps and try to find them
Saturn's moons are not as easy to find as Jupiter's moons which are on a line with Jupiter.
(look for July 2010 episodes)
(look for July 2010 editions)
Writing an OLED Display Driver in MicroZig
2 hours ago
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