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Sunday, November 6, 2016

APIStrat 2016 Boston November 2-4.

First week of November 2016 was API week in Boston. Still trying to absorb APIStrat 2016. Presentations the same week with similar API themes from IBM, SmartBear and GE Predix.

API key:value

API?  Had in mind the API definition from Wikipedia. But the core is now more what is defined above as "Web API". API is about REST, SOAP - MQTT, CoAP - etc.

Presentations in past months and years on IoT from Axeda, Thingworx, PTC and IBM Bluemix and AT&T M2M and Amazon Alexa/Lambda were in retrospect more about APIs than anything else. The APIs for endpoints and platforms for IoT have been building. BACnet Web Services is but one example.

API is more than a "definition". API is about the rising ecosystem of business use cases and tools for APIs. Swagger, RAML, OpenAPI , Stoplight, even Postman, CURL and choices regarding REST, SOAP, XML, JSON and so forth.

Gartner analyst APIStrat keynote: Mark O'Neill : Business use cases gelling. Rich ecosystem of tools and cases for API creation. But also cases for API consumption... and there is a business opportinity therein. [Also *grin* Why are digital voice assistants like Alexa and Siri always depicted or embodied round? Are polygons too edgy? ]

Great easy venue for APIstrat at Marriott Long Wharf on Blue Line MBTA.


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